Air-purifying indoor plants: the myth
Air-purifying indoor plants: the myth
note: Since Studio Plantes sells indoor plants, I would rather praise the depolluting effect, and yet…
We have all heard that depolluting green plants are perfect for purifying the air in our homes, which is particularly appreciated when we live in the city for example, or if we want to improve the air quality for well-being/health reasons.
the experience
NASA published a study (1989) which was taken up by some plant distributors and amplified.
The engineers had a very simple idea: produce oxygen through the activity of plants, which capture CO2, perform photosynthesis and spit out oxygen, and see if at the exit, the air was composed of fewer polluting molecules.
But here is the NASA experiment showing that even in a small enclosed environment just around the plant, despite a drop in the polluting molecules tested (three), the drop is not significant in real conditions if we compare the volume of air measured and the volume of air that we breathe in each day, without counting the regular supply of new contaminated air.
In addition, it should not be forgotten that the measurement is made after the air has passed through the soil, which, like any soil, is composed of bacteria that can break down toxic elements. Also worth mentioning is the presence of activated carbon, known for filtering certain molecules.
In short, having potted plants can indeed clean the air, but in such a negligible way that there is no real benefit to us humans, even with fifty plants in each room.
the real benefits of green plants
Fortunately, having plants is rather good for morale, because of seeing greenery, appreciating your interior, feeling comfortable there. Plants help reduce stress levels, and when we know all the benefits of reducing stress in the short term as well as in the long term, for our physical and moral health, it is precious.
Air-purifying plants, yes, but not to purify the air!
some useful links:
the PDF of the 1989 NASA study where you can see the setup -